Focus on your excellence to create your business niche

Focus on your excellence to create your business niche


There are two major steps you need to take when you want to grow your business and sell your products to medium-sized and large companies.

One is to focus on your niche; the other is to standardize the way you package your products.

Finding your niche is really important. Sharpening your focus on what you are truly excellent at delivering is an extremely positive thing to do.

Make sure all your sales and marketing messaging comes together, because customers will come to you if you can explain your niche in a succinct way. And they’ll stay with you if your products are standardized.

Why it’s Essential to Take Advice when You’re Building a Business

Why it’s Essential to Take Advice when You’re Building a Business


I want to help people be successful in business and that underpins what we do at Add1Zero; boosting sales and revenue for B2B tech-focused clients.

I also have plenty of experience in building a business – I’m something of a serial entrepreneur and this is my 13th company. I’m always happy to give people advice, even though I know many younger founders are unlikely to listen – I know this because I didn’t listen to advice when I set up my first company!

I look back at all the advice I didn’t listen to, from people who were telling me that what I was doing was nuts – we had no plan at all. If I had listened to them, I would probably be a million dollars richer. I was young and dumb and I thought I was something special.